numpsy package


numpsy.configuration module

class ConfigurationSetup(calculation_style='numpsy', debug_mode=False, matrix_operation_mode='vectorial', print_style='numpsy', value_printer_columns=['name', 'symbol', 'symbolic_expression', 'numerical', 'unit', 'note'])[source]

Bases: object

  • calculation_style

  • debug_mode

  • matrix_operation_mode

  • print_style

  • value_printer_columns

property calculation_style

Part of the complexity is that there are some circumstances where for a local operation, a calculation_style may be desired, but not necessarily for a global case.

property debug_mode

Return name string

property matrix_operation_mode
property print_style

Return name string

property value_printer_columns

Return name string

numpsy.constants module

numpsy.core module


alias of Constant

class Constant(name='undefined', na='undefined', name_expression='undefined', n=array([], dtype=float64), note='', numerical=array([], dtype=float64), symbol='Ø', s='Ø', symbolic_expression=Ø, se=Ø, print_style=None, unit=Unit           name  ...              symbolic_expression Unit  undefined  ...  \begin{equation}Ø\end{equation}  [1 rows x 5 columns], u=Unit           name  ...              symbolic_expression Unit  undefined  ...  \begin{equation}Ø\end{equation}  [1 rows x 5 columns])[source]

Bases: Value

  • name

  • na

  • name_expression

  • n

  • note

  • numerical

  • symbol

  • s

  • symbolic_expression

  • se

  • print_style

  • unit

  • u

property n

Return unit numerical value shorthand

property numerical

Return unit numerical value shorthand

property s

Return unit symbol value shorthand

property se

Return symbolic expression consisting of an equivalent mathemtical representation to symbol

property symbol

Return unit symbol value shorthand

property symbolic_expression

Return symbolic expression consisting of an equivalent mathemtical representation to symbol

property u

Return unit symbol unit shorthand

property unit

Return unit symbol unit shorthand

class DataMixin[source]

Bases: object

property data
class InstanceMixin(name='undefined', n='undefined', name_expression='undefined', note='', print_style=None)[source]

Bases: DataMixin

  • name

  • n

  • name_expression

  • note

  • print_style

property na

Return name string

property nae

Return name expression consisting of an equivalent string representation to name

property name

Return name string

property name_expression

Return name expression consisting of an equivalent string representation to name

property no

Return note string

property note

Return note string

property p

Return name string

property print_style

Return name string


alias of Unit

class Unit(name='undefined', na='undefined', name_expression='undefined', note='', symbol='Ø', s='Ø', symbolic_expression=Ø, print_style=None)[source]

Bases: InstanceMixin

  • name

  • na

  • name_expression

  • note

  • symbol

  • s

  • symbolic_expression

  • print_style

property s

Return unit symbol shorthand from Sympy

property se

Return symbolic expression shorthand shorthand

property symbol

Return unit symbol shorthand from Sympy

property symbolic_expression

Return symbolic expression shorthand shorthand


alias of Variable

class Value(name='undefined', na='undefined', name_expression='undefined', n=array([], dtype=float64), note='', numerical=array([], dtype=float64), symbol='Ø', s='Ø', symbolic_expression=Ø, se=Ø, print_style=None, unit=Unit           name  ...              symbolic_expression Unit  undefined  ...  \begin{equation}Ø\end{equation}  [1 rows x 5 columns], u=Unit           name  ...              symbolic_expression Unit  undefined  ...  \begin{equation}Ø\end{equation}  [1 rows x 5 columns])[source]

Bases: InstanceMixin

  • name

  • na

  • name_expression

  • n

  • note

  • numerical

  • symbol

  • s

  • symbolic_expression

  • se

  • print_style

  • unit

  • u


This method uses sympy lambdify on the symbolic expression based on the lambdify_symbol term. This is an issue when using the numpy only calculation mode, as the lambdification process would not effectively work.

property n

Return unit numerical value shorthand

property numerical

Return unit numerical value shorthand

property s

Return unit symbol value shorthand

property se

Return symbolic expression consisting of an equivalent mathemtical representation to symbol

property symbol

Return unit symbol value shorthand

property symbolic_expression

Return symbolic expression consisting of an equivalent mathemtical representation to symbol

property u

Return unit symbol unit shorthand

property unit

Return unit symbol unit shorthand

class Variable(name='undefined', na='undefined', name_expression='undefined', n=array([], dtype=float64), note='', numerical=array([], dtype=float64), symbol='Ø', s='Ø', symbolic_expression=Ø, se=Ø, print_style=None, unit=Unit           name  ...              symbolic_expression Unit  undefined  ...  \begin{equation}Ø\end{equation}  [1 rows x 5 columns], u=Unit           name  ...              symbolic_expression Unit  undefined  ...  \begin{equation}Ø\end{equation}  [1 rows x 5 columns])[source]

Bases: Value

  • name

  • na

  • name_expression

  • n

  • note

  • numerical

  • symbol

  • s

  • symbolic_expression

  • se

  • print_style

  • unit

  • u


numpsy.functions module

numpsy.helpers module

name_variables_generator(first, second)[source]
numerical_variables_generator(first, second)[source]
symbolic_expression_variables_generator(first, second)[source]

numpsy.printers module


numpsy.units module

class Units[source]

Bases: object

property data

Full dataframe

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